Tuesday, October 10, 2023



Ten Points for a Married Couple to Have a Loving Relationship

Based on the works of Christian psychologist Clyde Narramore, here are ten points for married couples to have a loving relationship:

Audio to this blog https://genny.lovo.ai/share/a55d4491-6e85-4195-9b4e-905805e8b837

  1. Communicate with each other regularly and honestly. Share your thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. Listen attentively and empathetically to your spouse. Avoid criticism, blame, and defensiveness
  2. Respect each other as individuals with different personalities, opinions, and preferences. Appreciate your spouse’s strengths and accept their weaknesses. Do not try to change or control them
  3. Support each other in your personal and professional goals. Encourage your spouse to pursue their interests and passions. Celebrate their achievements and comfort them in their failures12

  1. Spend quality time together as a couple. Enjoy each other’s company and have fun. Engage in activities that you both like or try something new. Make time for intimacy and romance
  2. Pray together and for each other. Seek God’s guidance and blessing for your marriage. Worship and serve Him as a team. Grow in your faith and spiritual maturity together
  3. Forgive each other when you hurt or offend each other. Do not hold grudges or resentment. Be humble and willing to admit your mistakes. Ask for forgiveness and offer it freely
  4. Trust each other and be faithful to your vows. Do not lie, cheat, or betray your spouse. Be honest and loyal in your words and actions. Protect your marriage from any temptation or threat
  5. Compromise when you have disagreements or conflicts. Do not insist on your own way or demand your rights. Seek to understand your spouse’s perspective and feelings. Find a solution that works for both of you13
  6. Compliment each other often and sincerely. Express your gratitude and appreciation for your spouse. Praise their qualities and abilities. Affirm their value and worth to you
  7. Love each other unconditionally and sacrificially. Do not base your love on feelings or circumstances. Choose to love your spouse as God loves you. Put their needs above your own.
                                 AUDIO OF THIS BLOG 

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