Monday, December 16, 2024

Tribute To Damos Eloi


Message From Apostle Dr. Oral Hazell

Tribute To Bishop Dr. Damos Eloi

My wife, Everine, and I, along with the Global Life Church family, extend our deepest condolences to the family of the late Bishop Damos Eloi. He was a man who contributed immensely to the spiritual culture and economic well-being of Saint Thomas and the Caribbean islands.

My first acquaintance with Bishop Eloi was at the Apostolic Faith Church, where he served as an active youth leader, Sunday School teacher, and circuit preacher, ministering between the town church and the Smith Bay church. Pastor Damos Eloi was always jovial, high-spirited, and incredibly friendly. He greeted everyone with a smile and genuinely inquired about their well-being, their church, and their family. His personable nature made it easy to discuss anything with him, be it family matters, church issues, or even politics.

Pastor Damos Eloi was not just a friend but a co-laborer in the gospel. We labored together in the Caribbean Covenant Ministries organization, sharing many moments of fellowship in churches and conferences across the Virgin Islands and the Caribbean. He always delivered timely messages with revelation and impact, ensuring there was always a takeaway from his sermons. His ability to explain scripture in an understandable way, often with a touch of humor, made his preaching memorable.

We also ministered together on the radio program “Making a Difference” on WSTA, discussing pertinent issues that impacted the spirituality and physicality of the island. Pastor Eloi was always prepared to engage in meaningful dialogue that resonated with the community. Additionally, he played a crucial role in building the Living Word Family Church, fulfilling his dream of providing a place of birthing and rest for his congregation.

To the family of Bishop Damos Eloi, know that he has completed his earthly labor and is now in heaven, actively awaiting his crown and rewards for his work here. Be encouraged by these words:

"Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." — 2 Timothy 4:8

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” — Revelation 22:12 (NIV)

Everine and I extend our heartfelt sympathies to the Eloi family: his wife Rosemond Eloi, Tracy, grandsons, sisters, brothers, and his church family and colleagues in ministry. Bishop Damos Eloi was an extraordinary man, remembered for his friendliness, his ministry work, and his role as a marketplace prophet in St. Thomas and beyond. May he rejoice in heaven alongside the saints who have gone before him.

A tribute from the late Pastor Wilfred & Nancy Turnbull family to the family of Bishop Damas Eloi.

A tribute from the late Pastor Wilfred & Nancy Turnbull family to the family of Bishop Damas Eloi. He was not only a Pastor but a personal friend and fellow Pastor to us.

As you know, we started out in the Apostle Faith Church, where he was a Sunday School teacher, Youth Director and worked in many different ministries in the Church. He was an evangelist at heart and always had a stirring message for the youth. He had a great love for people; especially young people.

As the Youth Director, Eloi & Rosie often opened their home to the young people after Church for ice cream, games, fun & fellowship. They also would take the young people after Church to Diary Queen where they shared so many fond memories.

By now you know that Bishop Eloi loved ice cream and any occasion to fellowship. He also cared for so many young people in the Church and helped to raise the Charles family.

He took Driving School to a new level. You would see him early early in the morning working. ‘Everyone was precious’ to him and he actually had a slogan that said so. Pastor Eloi had an addictive laugh and he was quick to smile & laugh. He also loved to dance and was always seen on the floor of any Church dancing & worshipping; whether he was in step or not.

He was always giving and opened his Sanctuary to Global Church to meet while they prepared their own Sanctuary. He then sent his work men from his Church to assist when they first started. He was a faithful friend to our parents and was given the special privilege to call our Mother such an endearing name; ‘Sister Nan’. Bishop Eloi was always full of life and will be missed in the Church community and the community as a whole.

The Turnbull Family: Brain & Karen, Mona & Marcus, Noreen, Elerine & Julian, Everine & Oral, Wilmo, David & Judy and Evelyn & Issac send condolences and prayers to Pastor Rosie Eloi, Tracy Callwood & her family, his immediate family, & Church family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. We extend our deepest condolences to Sister Rosemond and family members on the passing of our dear brother and friend, Pastor Damos Eloi.

    Our daily prayers will continually be offered unto The God of Comfort, on your behalf during this season of loss and grief.

    Judith & Ellis Christian
    2 Corinthians 5
