Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Just Because You've Failed, It's Not Over!


Just Because You've Failed, It's Not Over!

Audio Blog @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3WyH3-jy2o&t=9s

God is not done with you yet. He knows your failures, your weaknesses, your regrets. But He also knows your potential, your purpose, your destiny. He loves you with an everlasting love and He wants to restore you to His plan for your life.

You are not alone in your struggle. Many of God’s servants in the Bible faced failure and disappointment, but they did not give up on God or themselves. They trusted in His grace and mercy, and they experienced His power and forgiveness.

One of them was Peter, who denied Jesus three times on the night of His arrest. He cursed Jesus and said he did not even know His name. He was filled with sorrow and shame, and he thought he had ruined his relationship with his Lord and Savior.

Link to my Book on Amazon Kindle: Sweet Aroma of Success: https://shorturl.at/LR159

But Jesus did not abandon Peter. He appeared to him after His resurrection and reassured him of His love. He asked him three times, “Do you love me?” and He commissioned him to feed His sheep. He showed him that He had a plan for his life and that just because he had failed, it wasn’t over.

On the Day of Pentecost, of all the disciples who could have preached, guess who God chose? Peter, the one who failed. God didn’t see him as a failure! He gave Peter a new start! He filled him with the Holy Spirit and enabled him to proclaim the gospel with boldness and power. He used him to lead thousands of people to Christ and to establish the church.

God wants to do the same for you today. He wants to give you a fresh start, a new beginning, a second chance. He wants to fill you with His Spirit and use you for His glory. He wants to make you a witness of His grace and a blessing to others.

Don’t let your past failures define you or limit you. Don’t let the enemy discourage you or deceive you. Don’t let the world condemn you or reject you. Let God renew you and transform you. Let Him heal you and restore you. Let Him empower you and equip you.

Link to my Book on Amazon Kindle: Sweet Aroma of Success: https://shorturl.at/LR159

All you need to do is come to Him with a humble and repentant heart. Confess your sins, receive His forgiveness, and accept His love. Surrender your life to Him, follow His will, and obey His commands. Trust in His promises, rely on His strength, and depend on His guidance.

He is waiting for you with open arms. He is calling you by name. He is inviting you to start over with Him today.

Will you answer His call? Will you take His hand? Will you follow His lead?

If you do, you will discover that just because you’ve failed in the past, it’s not over! It is never over! God is expecting and cheering you on to get back into the game of life of productivity and purpose.

Remember the words of Isaiah 43:18-19: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!" God's promise of renewal stands unwavering. Your failures do not limit His power to restore and transform. The pages of your life are not penned by your past but by the limitless grace of God. Embrace your fresh start, for in Him, your future is bright and filled with promise.

May God bless you and keep you as you begin your fresh start with Him today!

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