Friday, August 18, 2023

Signs of Caution In Courtship


Signs of Caution In Courtship

Audio version of blog

As you embark on the journey of life together, we advise couples to carefully consider fifteen potential signs of caution. The presence of these signs doesn't necessarily mean that you shouldn't proceed with marriage, but it might suggest the importance of slowing down and thoughtfully evaluating your relationship.

Link to my Book on Amazon Kindle: Sweet Aroma of Success:

"Signs of Caution In Courtship "

  1. Intuitive sense of unease within our relationship.
  2. Frequent and intense disagreements.
  3. Feelings of jealousy or unwarranted anger in response to interactions with the opposite sex.
  4. Reluctance to discuss certain topics due to fear of negative reactions.
  5. Display of intense emotional fluctuations and unpredictability.
  6. Instances of controlling behavior, where manipulation is felt.
  7. Sensation of being trapped, hesitating to raise concerns about the suitability of marriage.
  8. Lack of mutual respect, characterized by constant criticism and sarcasm.
  9. Absence of personal responsibility, evident through job instability and financial struggles.
  10. Stubborn pride, hindering conflict resolution by avoiding admissions of wrongdoing.
  11. Reliance on parents for emotional and financial support.
  12. History of unsuccessful past dating relationships.
  13. Struggles with addictions—whether to alcohol, drugs, or pornography. If these issues existed in the past, consider the duration of recovery.
  14. Selfish tendencies, marked by excessive self-centeredness and a strong desire for personal preferences.
  15. Prevalence of significant negative habits or irritants that could potentially disrupt the relationship.

Should you recognize any of these cautionary signs in your current dating relationship, we encourage you to discuss your concerns with your pastor or a mature married couple you trust.

Remember, as you come together as a couple, it's important to embrace a shared journey of growth and transformation. The right partner is someone with whom you can undertake this pilgrimage, placing values of surrender and transformation at the core of your union. Envision a future that glorifies a higher purpose, guided by the understanding that challenges can lead to refinement.

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